Computers and digital devices have become a part of our everyday life. In fact, statistics say that 95% of Americans, spend 2 or more hours every day using digital devices and nearly one-third or 30% of American adults spends nine or more hours using digital devices. All that screen staring has to lead to a growing eye health issue known as Digital Eye Strain.

What is Digital Eye Strain?

Have you ever experienced eye tiredness or irritation and blurry vision after working for many hours in front of a computer?

Also called computer vision syndrome, digital eye strain is a condition that results from looking or focusing the eyes on a digital device or computer for prolonged, uninterrupted periods of time and muscles of the eye is unable to recover from the strain due to lack of enough sleep.

Its most common symptoms include:

• Back or neck pain
• Headaches
• Eye irritation
• Dry and red eyes
• Double vision
• Blurred vision
• Eye fatigue

8 Steps to Avoid Digital Eye Strain

Because of the technological advancement, there is no way that we can avoid using computers or other digital devices. However, there are certain ways we can reduce the impacts of digital eye strain with a little bit of discipline. Here are 8 steps you can follow to reduce or avoid the effects of digital eye strain:

1. Get a comprehensive eye exam

Prevention is the best solution. And getting a routine comprehensive exam is the most important step you can make to prevent or treat any computer vision problems. In case you haven’t had an eye exam in over a year, then you need to schedule a visit with an eye doctor now!
While you’re there, be sure to tell your doctor how often and how much time you spend in front of a computer or a digital device.

2. Blink

When working on a computer screen, your blinking rate significantly decreases. This can lead to blurry vision and dry eyes. In order to prevent this, you need to be conscious about your blinking and try to blink more frequently when using the computer or other digital devices.

3. Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Take a 20-second break for every 20 minutes and look at something else that is 20 feet away. This should relax your eyes from the strain of staring prolonged periods in a computer screen.

4. Move

Most workers only take at least two 15-minutes breaks throughout their workday. However, it is advisable to take more regular breaks from staring or working on a computer or digital devices so that you can relax your eyes. So, get up, stretch and move around as frequent as you can.

5. Minimize glares

Glare bullies the eyes. In order to avoid it, you need to position your computer screen away from the fluorescent lights and choose floor lamps over overhead lighting. You can also install anti-glare screens on your monitor and use curtains in order to prevent glares from outdoor lights.

6. Adjust your display settings

Adjusting your computer screen’s brightness so that it matches the light around you can avoid eye strains. If your screen looks gray or dull, it is too dark. And if it looks like a light source, then it is too bright. Contrast and text size also make a difference. It is usually easier for your eyes to look at dark letters against a light background.

7. Modify your workstation

Looking back and forth between a computer screen and a printed page can cause eye strain. In order to avoid that, you can use a copy stand to place written pages that is adjacent to the monitor and light it properly. You can use a desk lamp, however make sure that it does not shine on the computer or into your eyes.
Improper posture also contributes to digital eye strain. You need to adjust your workstation and your chair to the correct height. You also have the option to buy ergonomic furniture in order to position yourself 20 to 24 inches away from the screen.

8. Consider using an eyewear

For the greatest digital eye strain relief, you might want to have customized computer eyeglasses or ask your doctor for options. Even if you do not wear eyeglasses all the time, a specialized prescription glasses can lessen eye strain and reduce glare and reflection or filter out blue lights.
If you wear progressive lenses or bifocals, computer glasses can be a good choice since these lenses are generally not optimal for the distance to your screen. You can also opt for lightly tinted lenses or photochromic lenses in order to reduce exposure to harmful blue lights that are emitted by computers and digital devices. Binocle Factory offers great collections of eyewear to help you fight digital eye strain.


Our eyes never evolved to stare at screens for very long periods of time. The good news is, eyewear and technology did the evolution part and creates eye protection and treatment to help our eyes fight vision problems. With a little help from the following tips and self-discipline, we can avoid or prevent any eye problems in the future.